When you need to register a domain name, you should be careful about which service you use. Some websites will use shady tactics and fine print to try to squeeze extra money from you. Some of these practices reside in a legal gray area and others are downright illegal! That’s why you should use a domain registration service that has a reputation for being upfront, honest and easy to work with.
When Lifehacker asked its reader to rate the the best domain registration service, Hover came in as a close second. There are several reasons for their popularity. First, they don’t try to sell you different products that you don’t need. They offer two services: domain registration and email. That’s it, clean and simple. They don’t even send you unwanted emails. Just a reminder when your domain is about to expire.
On top of that, they also have a fantastic phone support line. When you dial the number you immediately get connected to a real human being who can help you to solve any problems you may have. This is practically unheard of in our modern age of automated phone systems and multiple transfers.
In that same Lifehacker survey, Namecheap took first place with 6,550 votes. Users have remarked that Namecheap is intuitive, they have a good support line and they also offer good suggestions when the domain name you want is already taken. On his blog, Shivar Web, Nate Shivar does a thorough comparison between Godaddy hosting and Namecheap. After ranking them on a variety of measures, he rates Namecheap as the winner.
Whether you choose to use Hover or Namecheap to register your domain, you really can’t go wrong. Both services will give you a positive user experience that will leave a good taste in your mouth. Remember, before you register your domain name with a website, assess their reputation, and look for reviews which may indicate possible problems.